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Earth-like is a game for those who look up at the night sky and wonder. What amazing worlds are out there? What combination of matter is needed to get to a habitable planet? With Earth-like, you can explore the galaxy filled with various star formations and build up worlds on a “pale blue dot”.

Sling an assortment of asteroids into the inner solar system to produce a myriad set of planet types. Use the star systems gravity to orbit asteroids to gain multiple hits and seed the blue protoplanet with rock, iron, or water. Generate planets to unlock badges for each star system. Can you achieve Earth-like in every star system?

Pocket Square

An app meant to be used as a wearable and flaunted for all to see! Pocket Square is a fun and unique app developed for modern mobile devices that fit nicely in a pocket.

Turn the app on when you want to impress, or just be cheeky:) The application provides various configurations for the user, or wearer, to set prior to placing the active application in a pocket.

Get some attention with the flames effect while taking a stroll or use the colorful bubbles at a party! The app is designed to only visualize at the pocket’s edge.

More to Code

The fun never stops when coding! Olive Codes has more in the works. Applications that will be fun and exciting.